Victim Assistance


The Victim Assistance Unit deals with a variety of victims and witnesses and many other people who have been affected by a crime or tragedy.   Crimes range from cases of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault; to Robbery, Home Invasions, Murder, Attempt Murder and a varying degree of assaults and aggravated assaults.  Other cases requiring assistance may involve cases where the most vulnerable of our population, (children and the elderly) have been preyed upon by criminals.  Then there are the tragedies, suicides, sudden deaths, traffic accidents, fatalities and numerous cases involving people with mental health issues.

In all of these cases, the Victim Assistance Unit seeks to establish a supportive relationship on behalf of the police service and helps victims and their family members to understand their role and their rights within the criminal justice process including any remedies that are available to assist them.  This includes making referrals to other community agencies/individuals that can assist them further. 

Victims needs vary from case to case and from individual to individual.  Some of the needs arise as a direct result of the victimization, while others arise from their involvement in the Criminal Justice Process.  As a result, this unit is part of an integrated network of victim services who work together to meet the needs of victims of crime.

Our Victim Assistance Unit works collaboratively with all areas of the police service and advocates for changes that will improve the systems response to victims of crime. 

For Victim Assistance please click here to visit our page